Thursday, April 30, 2015

Boston College vs Arizona State – Heroes of the Dorm Heroic Four

Two of my classmates from Boston College competed in a video game competition in LA for $450,000 in scholarship money.  This was a televised event on ESPN!!!! Check it out at .

Final Project: Group Statehouse

For this final assignment as a class we built our final version of the old boston statehouse. The dementions were.......

First we demolished our original state house. 

We built the base first.

Here is a picture of our first try at the entrance.

Building the windows.

My specific job was to help build the roof, although I helped with the whole thing. 

We made the lining of the windows a sandy color.

View from the inside.

The tower. 

Progress from the front side, we added a walkway, balcony and a flag!

The final product, I hope you like it!

This is a final project using minecraft to build a replica of the old boston statehouse as a class. It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

Final Project: Local Old Boston StateHouse

For this final we built our own version of the old boston statehouse.  My dimensions were 12 wide by 39 long, and 12 to 16 high. 

I did the outside part first.

I then added glass windows.

I then added the balcony and the "clock"


Then I added a roof.

lastly the top floor

View from the top. 

final result. 

This is a project using minecraft to build a replica of the old boston statehouse. It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

Thursday, April 23, 2015

My Final Area

For this assignment we are building a replica of the old state house.  You can find out how to get coordinates at 

Dimensions: 12 blocks x 39 blocks

Coordinates: -487/63/835

Class 12: How 3D Computer Graphics Work

For this assignment we looked at a video on youtube called "How 3D graphics work" you can view this video here: .  It was very short and easy to understand which I liked.  The major things that he discussed were Polygons, the importance of triangles, and Lighting.  I was able to get a great understanding out of this small video.

The first part of the video talks about 3D Polygons which are made up of vertices.  Vertices are basically a bunch of points that are connected together by lines. He also mentions that everything in 3D modeling is made out of triangles which I think is really cool.  If you think about it so many shapes can be made up of triangles, and you can even get a round look.  

An example where these are used is in video games.  As you can see in the screenshot you can see that this 3D looking character is made up of entirely small triangles, which is really cool to think about.  On the other side of him you see what he looks like in the game. Even if your playing a video game you can change the mode and see this version of your character and edit it. 

The next thing he talked about was lighting, he talks about how important it is to get that 3D effect onto the screen.  He brings up texture mapping which is something that we have talked about previously in class.  Texture mapping is when a 2D surface is wrapped around a 3D object, that way they have similar textures.  He then brings up lighting normals which has to do with the positioning of the object to the light. 

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

WebGL Chrome Experiments using Google's Chrome Browser

For this assignment we went to Google experiments and were asked to filter out only the 3D WebGL ones.  You can check out these experiments on

The first experiment I found was a Clock simulator.  It was a live clock that would move with my mouse.  It was very realistic and moved very quickly with my mouse.

The next 3D experiment was a cloud simulator, the graphics were great and looked really realistic.  Like the clock they moved with my mouse and you could choose certain effects for them, if you pressed the space bar new clouds were created. 

The last experiment I played was space shooter! It was actually really fun. I used my arrows to control the spaceship, and the space bar to shoot.