Thursday, February 5, 2015

Discovering Bent's Old Fort

At the La Junta High School and Junior College in CO meet once a week to recreate a historic landmark in their town called Bent's Old Fort.  They are doing this using the immersive education program.  This way others around the world can enjoy the historic monument without leaving the comfort of their own homes.

The project is estimated to take about 2 years total.  Once the students learn how to build the fort in Minecraft they will then build it in Autocad 3D.  This is really cool because it will change the way people view the world.  Soon I will be able to climb the eiffel tower without even leaving my house!

This is an assignment from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at   

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