Thursday, April 9, 2015


PlayCanvas allows to you build a game with a team all in one place, this allows everyone to work on the code together.  This process is called collaborative coding.  The screen shot below shows the home page of this part explains the collaborative concept that Play canvas has to offer.

I then explored a little more by going to the published game section (Explore) I found a game that I liked called memory.  In this game you have to memorize the colors in the order that they are given to you.  If you press "view project" you can see an overview, and even the code used for it! 

There are muliple user names listed, they are the ones who coded (aka created) the game.  They collaborated through playcanvas to create this fun game!

As you can see the code is multiple pages and must have taken lots of time and effort to complete. 

I think this is really cool because instead of meeting in an office, people from all over the world can create a game together through this free play canvas program. 

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