Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Class 10: SecondLife SANDBOXES

In this assignment I went into Second life and built sandboxes of my own, it took me a while to find a safe public building ground.  I am worried that they might be gone next time I go back

I found my first building area by searching sandbox in the map.

I choose a basic cube shape to start and played around with the size.

I then addd 3 more to make a square.

Then I stacked more cubes on top of them, it took a little moving around to get them perfectly stacked.

I then added a pyramid in the middle!

In order to remember where I built this I landmarked the spot.

I then found a new sandbox building space.

I decided to go with more of the cylinder and enlarge it.

I then added a half sphere to top it off. Again it took a while to get the shape and the size just right.

I then added a ring around my structure.

Saved my landmark.

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